launcher - How to handle jupyter notebook files in Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu

recently project jupyter added mime-type ipynb files: application/x-ipynb+json, , i'd launch these files without having allways launch terminal command:

cd /path/to/notebook jupyter notebook 

so i've adapted blog post in order to:

  • launch jupyter-notebook server when double clicking ipynb file
  • add icon ipynb files.
  • create desktop launcher launch jupyter notebook default folder or dragging , dropping file or folder.

here's how looks, , see answer below understand how this.

enter image description here

1. create ipynb.xml mime-info file

<mime-info xmlns=''>     <mime-type type="application/x-ipynb+json">         <comment>ipython notebook</comment>         <glob pattern="*.ipynb"/>      </mime-type> </mime-info> 

then store file in ~/.local/share/mime , update mime database.

cp ipynb.xml ~/.local/share/mime update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime 

2. create jupyter.desktop file

caution: edit paths adapt system , habits.

[desktop entry] version=1.0 type=application name=jupyter icon="$home/.icons/jupyter-sq-text.svg" exec=/path/to/jupyter notebook %f path="$home/documents/notebooks" comment=jupyter notebook mimetype=application/x-ipynb+json; categories=science; terminal=true 

then install desktop file:

desktop-file-install --dir="$home/.local/share/applications"  jupyter.desktop 

3. add jupyter icon

i chose svg version design repository of jupyter, , installed in ~/.local/share/icons

wget -o $home/.local/share/icons/jupyter-sq-text.svg 

finally, link mime-type icon system:

sudo ln -s $home/.local/share/icons/jupyter-sq-text.svg /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-ipynb+json.svg sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/gnome/ -f 

hope that's help!


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