Slow picture updating on monitors after installing nvidia drivers - Ask Ubuntu

i'm using laptop monitor , second vga monitor. after installing nvidia drivers nvidia repository , cuda turn on nvidia card, , picture updating lazy. xorg.conf:

section "serverlayout" identifier "layout" screen 0 "nvidia" inactive "intel" endsection  section "device"     identifier "intel"     driver "modesetting"     busid "pci:0@0:2:0"     option "accelmethod" "none" endsection  section "screen"     identifier "intel"     device "intel" endsection  section "device"     identifier "nvidia"     driver "nvidia"     busid "pci:1@0:0:0"     option "constraincursor" "off" endsection  section "screen"     identifier "nvidia"     device "nvidia"     option "allowemptyinitialconfiguration" "on"     option "ignoredisplaydevices" "crt" endsection 


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