sound - Soundcard gets turned off after inactivity - Ask Ubuntu

for couple of years have asus sonar essence stx internal sound card, running on xubuntu 16.04. works fine, except noticed if stop using computer few minutes, sound off when come it.

the "manual" way fix open pavucontrol (on sound settings... on panel bar), , switching port on output devices - e.g, selecting headphones 2 , going headphones 1 or speakers.

the weird thing more frequent. used happen after waking resume, happening after few minutes , without going screensaver. enough of bother me try find solution issue.

i noticed when lose sound, running pactl list sinks

sink #7     state: suspended     name: alsa_output.pci-0000_05_01.0.analog-stereo     description: cmi8788 [oxygen hd audio] (virtuoso 100 (xonar st)) analog stereo (...) 

after switching port source thing, becomes:

sink #7     state: idle     name: alsa_output.pci-0000_05_01.0.analog-stereo     description: cmi8788 [oxygen hd audio] (virtuoso 100 (xonar st)) analog stereo  (...) 

omitted parts similar.

the question is, there command can run keep device being suspended? should somewhere in alsa? new power settings? understand when happening after resuming, have no idea why happening.


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