dual boot - GNU GRUB exit mac os - Ask Ubuntu

i have macbook air. installed ubuntu dual boot. wanted delete it. deleted refind. restarted , got gnu grub. when write command exit froze. when try access recovery mode cannot see -- there no mac os x disk. how can mac os?

try holding down option (or alt) key power on computer , sounds chime. should bring computer's built-in boot manager.

if fails, , if computer boots ubuntu, 1 or more of 3 things:

  • use efibootmgr -- efibootmgr tool controls computer's boot order. typing sudo efibootmgr shows entries. there should entry ubuntu, can delete sudo efibootmgr -b #### -b, #### boot number; or can use -o set new boot order, in sudo efibootmgr -o 80,81,82 set boot0080 first, boot0081 second, , on. (os x uses 0080 , above itself.)
  • delete grub -- ubuntu installs grub in /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu directory (efi/ubuntu on efi system partition [esp]). deleting directory, or @ least grubx64.efi , shimx64.efi files contains, prevent running. computer should try next available boot entry, should os x; or enter automatic recovery tool.
  • reset nvram -- see this official apple page information on how reset computer's nvram. i'm not 100% sure of this, believe doing reset boot order options, solving problem. (note should work without access ubuntu.)


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