xubuntu - NumLock turns off after login? - Ask Ubuntu

hi numlock turned on during grub2 , login, password verified automatically turned off. happens during loading of profile on toshiba laptop after clean install (on new ssd disk), annoying setting hide? please how can xubuntu leave numlock alone?

well after couple of upgrades xubuntu have decided leave numlock way (turned on), happened still mystery me!!

so accept silokos answer - effort..

       happy ubunting   ;-) 

according this article need install helpder utility , ensure runs after logging on:

sudo aptitude install numlockx    # install numlockx sudo vim /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/99-numlockx.conf    # create config file lightdm start numlock @ boot 

and enter

[seatdefaults] greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on 


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