kubuntu - mariadb-server installation - Ask Ubuntu
i installed mariadb-server on kubuntu 16.04.1 lts
apt install mariadb-server mysql_secure_installation
so far good, tried login after setting root password
mysql -u root -p enter password: error 1698 (28000): access denied user 'root'@'localhost'
then did
service mysql status
and saw
61108 18:04:29 [warning] 'user' entry 'root@localhost' has both password , authentication plugin specified. password ignored.
this ended after trying sort of attempts (like purge, reinstall, mysql_install_db, etc..) overcome this. shouldn't that, right? solutions?
i found https://www.percona.com/blog/2016/03/16/change-user-password-in-mysql-5-7-with-plugin-auth_socket/ article put light on question.
just recap, after installation do:
mysql -u root -p update mysql.user set authentication_string = password('s0mepassword'), plugin = 'mysql_native_password' user = 'root' , host = 'localhost'; flush privileges;
and can login way used to.
i still don't understand why changed in way mysql_secure_installation can't handle anyway, how goes now.
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