windows - Migrating to Ubuntu from MS, what do I lose? - Ask Ubuntu

i running on xp escape world of windows. however, need ready access files created in ms word,excel etc , know whether can still used or whether data can transferred across. can work on excel spreadsheets in libreoffice instance or access emails in outlook?

to find out whether computer , data ready ubuntu recommend booting ubuntu installer cd/usb "try ubuntu" option.

the steps took before making switch windows xp ubuntu years ago i

  1. installed open source alternatives of software in windows. these libre office, firefox, thunderbird, , gimp.

    all of email copied in cloud imap folder of email provider allows imap. able not import mail application wish of devices.

    after while got familiar these applications, , had documents put in format knew able use later. realized conversion not needed because libre office able read , write ms office documents.

  2. installed virtualbox in windows able familiar ubuntu in virtual machine errors made easy repair , did not cause damage. had lot of fun playing around ubuntu.

  3. quite (days rather weeks) realized ready switch (in fact no longer wait ubuntu installed on bare metal). make sure data still accessible installed ubuntu dual boot solution. choose boot ubuntu or windows, whichever needed. realized access of windows files ubuntu none of ubuntu files windows. that's why booted ubuntu.

  4. after year or found i had not booted windows months. time rid of it.

now kids want windows shiny games won't run on ubuntu. can manage day choosing games can run natively on ubuntu, or (if really must) can run wine.

for few exceptions ubuntu not handle (proprietary software printing) keep windows in virtual machine.


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