mount - Write enabled files in shared folder opened as readonly in some applications - Ask Ubuntu

from nautilus using connect server option have setup shared folder in ubuntu desktop points samba shared folder in nas. user connects shared folder has read , write permissions in files , folders, , can read, rename o create files in shared folder directly nautilus.

but if open file share applications cannot make changes because opened readonly. example, happening me when opening image eog (default image viewer) or .kdbx file keepassx. however, if open text file gedit or libreoffice document, these applications treat remote files writable.

i have checked shared folder mounted writable:

gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000)

i have tried mounting shared folder using cifs /etc/fstab no luck.

i have discarded problem have server configuration or user permissions can write in share no problem through nautilus, libreoffice or gedit. seems strange me applications eog see remote files readonly. maybe need change configuration in mounted share in desktop computer these applications? has experienced same problem?

many in advance.

i have been able access write permission files every application mounting shared folder in /etc/fstab.

the trick has been use uid , gid along forceuid , forcegid in mount options of /etc/fstab map local user write permissions when dealing files , folders of mounted samba share.

it won´t sure best practice use when mounting remote shares, @ least working me. still don´t know how use these mount options when mounting shared folder using nautilus.


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