server - MSMTP Gmail, username and password incorrect - Ask Ubuntu

i trying send emails using php mail(); function. have installed msmtp allow me use gmail account. whenever try send test email using msmtp destination email, system freezed , cannot write more commands.

this contents of ~/.msmtprc:

account gmail tls on tls_starttls on tls_certcheck off auth on logfile ~/.msmtp.log host port 587 user **** **** password **********  account default : gmail 

also when work, error says bad credentials though details correct, access less secure apps on , there no 2-step verification.

if allowing less secure app doesn't work, should consider 2fa.

here working configuration:

account default host           port 587                      ""    tls on                        tls_starttls on               tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt auth on                      user "yourusername"        password "yourapppassword"        logfile ~/.msmtp.log 


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