lubuntu - Linux sees only 1/2 of my RAM? - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here:

linux see 1/2 of ram ram size 2048mb, linux see 1300mb. why? no, it's not buffered, because ubuntu free command don't print free buffered ram here output of command free

lubuntu 16.04 x32

your ram there. it's of being used. whenever computer on, things loaded ram never see entire ram shown "available". looking in "total" column.

for example, on machine:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available mem:          15938        9361        2307        1436        4269        4807 swap:         16383         868       15515 

i have 15938 m of ram, of 4807 available , 9361 being used various processes. don't see 2048 because you're using -m. try --mega instead. , if next question why linux taking ram, see


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