mount - Stack will unmount after reboot - Ask Ubuntu

i have mounted partial disk on ubuntu vps. after rebooting disk unmounted.

i can remount manuely keeps unmounting after rebooting entire vps , stop crontjobs making backups.

/etc/fstab in file added line:

https://[mylink] /var/stack davfs user,rw,noauto 0 0 

[mylink] = own stack storage name. url correct. if open ask credentials , gives "ok" status.

i don't use users on vps, root (not sure if coulds matter).

i have followed tutorial setup partial disk. link (sorry it's in dutch).

try add _netdev , remove noauto /etc/fstab entry.

https://[mylink] /var/stack davfs user,_netdev,rw 0 0 

from manual page:

_netdev           filesystem resides on device requires network access (used prevent           system attempting mount these filesystems until network has been           enabled on system).   noauto - filesystem not automatically mounted @ startup, or when mount passed -a. must explicitly mount filesystem.  

more info:


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