Package Installation - Ask Ubuntu

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i primary windows user , learning linux. there different software need install in linux. don't have internet connection @ home. there way can download software in office using windows install in linux. windows can download software (setup file .exe) run

welcome ubuntu!

ubuntu (and debian + derivates) uses .deb package, considered equivalent windows .exe file.

if want install software manually without internet connection, can download .deb files ubuntu repository

first, choose distribution (i assume running 16.04 lts = xenial), pick package need , download according architecture (32b or 64b)

when have file downloaded, install either double-clicking, open software center, can confirm installation, or, if interested in more sophisticated way, can open terminal ctrl+alt+t , type:

cd "name_of_directory_where_you_put_the_file"

sudo dpkg -i "nameofthepackage.deb"

it may happen, won't able install package due missing dependencies. difficult fix without internet connection new user, tho. can use error output , packages stated missing.

good luck , if had questions, feel free ask in comments, or editing question, creating new one.


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