Setting sublime text as default for all Java files - Ask Ubuntu
this question has answer here:
- how set default program? 9 answers
incidentally, have rstudio & r installed on laptop. don't know why when double-click on .java
files, open default in rstudio.
every time have right-click , choose sublime/gedit preferred choice open these files in proper text-editor. can guide me on how set sublime default .java
files(so can open them in sublime simple double-click)?
updated request: helpful if way of doing using terminal (or way without using unity interface).
my question partially different how set default program? in preferably need terminal-using way.
gui way:
- right-click file.
- go properties
- go "open with" tab.
- select program want, , click set default. (i don't have sublime, it's not in list)
terminal way:
directory containing file , do:
mimeopen -d
sample output:
please choose default application files of type text/x-java 1) notepad (wine-extension-txt) 2) libreoffice writer (libreoffice-writer) 3) gedit (gedit) 4) other... use application #
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