wine - Large log files and then some more problems - Ask Ubuntu
i have problem started manifesting 2 days ago, when installed wine , game i've been playing piously last 2 days.
the laptop one, , ubuntu 16.04, updated.
so, first thing got message: / full. checked it, , had 2 big syslog files (cca 4gb , 9gb), filled wined3d. / folder 20gb, in experience has been more enough. also, note math: 4+9=13gb, right because normal / cca 5gb big.
i deleted 2 files. shut down, go sleep, wake up, turn on, again same message. start disk usage analyzer , gets weird:
devices , locations: / 16,4 gb/19,5 gb - shows full
when click see folder, math doesn't add (this du -sh ./*):
13m ./bin 120m ./boot 4,0k ./cdrom 352k ./dev 14m ./etc 199g ./home 0 ./initrd.img 0 ./initrd.img.old 627m ./lib 3,9m ./lib32 4,0k ./lib64 16k ./lost+found 8,0k ./media 4,0k ./mnt 183m ./opt du: cannot access './proc/5402/task/5402/fd/4': no such file or directory du: cannot access './proc/5402/task/5402/fdinfo/4': no such file or directory du: cannot access './proc/5402/fd/4': no such file or directory du: cannot access './proc/5402/fdinfo/4': no such file or directory 0 ./proc 56k ./root du: cannot access './run/user/1000/gvfs': permission denied 9,7m ./run 13m ./sbin 4,0k ./snap 4,0k ./srv 0 ./sys 32k ./tmp 3,5g ./usr 277m ./var 0 ./vmlinuz 0 ./vmlinuz.old
- /home on separate partition, rest of 1tb drive
- all these cannot access, checked them hand, none larger 1mb.
so, what's deal disk space? ran autoclean, autoremove, bleachbit... still shows same - , don't understand what's eating space. appreciated!
this officially solved. answer simple, , yet, stupidly removed wine , gamesave in order regain disk space allow ubuntu load properly. (i feared messed folder ownership , user files saved in root folder).
so... when inserting f.e. usb linux powered machine, , deleting on said usb, linux creates folder called trash1000, "deleted" files go.
apparently, when using sudo nautilus , deleting / folder, doesn't delete it... creates folder trash-0. hidden folder - on usb. when "deleted" gigantic syslogs, moved them fabulous folder trash-0, doesn't show anywhere - not in disk analyzer, not in du command, not in bleachbit. pure despair why typed in "ls -a" in terminal.
and instead of emptying trash-0 on reboot or sth similar, decided force in deleted items last byte, using root folder , disabling ubuntu loading. why?
test: decided recreate whole thing test it. in terminal created 2 folders, test1 , test2. when removing test1 "rm -r", no trash-0 generated. when removing test2 sudo nautilus, generated trash-0 folder. never use sudo nautilus! :)
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