sound - Headset (TSCO-TH5310H) Bluetooth connection problem on ubuntu 16.04 - Ask Ubuntu

i want connect bluetooth headset (tsco-th5310h model) ubuntu 16.04. search same problems in other forums suggest commands:

sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-btsco bluez-cups bluez-dbg bluez-hcidump bluez-tools python-bluez bluewho indicator-bluetooth libbluetooth-dev libbluetooth3 python-gobject python-dbus 

i have installed of them problem can pair device computer cannot makes connection... enter image description here

as can see connection button disabled. thank attention! reza

for can go settings, software , updates, developer options , enable pre-released updates xenial-proposed. after cache updated

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth

then reboot , see if can connect


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