16.10 - dd Command Becoming Non-Resposive While Writting Floppy Image - Ask Ubuntu

i trying write floppy image using dd. running command:

dd if=fdboot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync status=progress ; sync

(though i've tried simple dd if=fdboot.img of=/dev/fd0 status=progress , gotten same result.)

however, when dd gets 300kb-700kb written, stops. drive activity light stays lit, , drive continues make noise (only disk noise, no head activity noise), dd shows no more data being written. i've left on hour doing this, never finishes, or moves further. considering moves first few hundred kb in minute should not take long. i've tried several different disks. ideas? bad drive?

i'm on ubuntu 16.10, btw.


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