boot - Can I create a dedicated partition for GParted and launch from GRUB? - Ask Ubuntu

i adjust partition sizes , move them, wondered if launch gparted hard drive. according link on gparted site:

gparted live on hard disk

it appears can.

how large of partition have create? don't see file size shown live image on page.

i know use thumb drive or cd, convenience tend forget put last thumb drive used, or not able find 1 each time need one...

with grub2, can use loopmount command directly boot iso anywhere. issues in setting correct drive & partition grub find iso. sdb drive, having flash drive plugged in changed drive hd2, not hd1 should be. have manually edit entries.

i have had iso in own partition, in /boot folder or anywhere.

lots of details & second link has many examples of iso booting.

older example of flash drive bios boot configuration:

multi-partition multi os bootable usb

this works uefi, if boot grub2 using uefi install in uefi mode.

be sure use toram boot parameter. question on unmounting not seem work , using toram does.


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