ipv6 - dual-stack static setup won't stay configured in 16.04 - Ask Ubuntu

i have media server (plex) configured on vm on home network. dual stack static ipv4 , ipv6 addresses. after upgrading 14.04 16.04, manual configuration broke , lost static ipv6 gateway route. have following set in /etc/network/interfaces:

iface lo inet loopback auto eth0  iface eth0 inet static     address     netmask     gateway     dns-nameservers iface eth0 inet6 static     address 2001:***:e3a7::9     netmask 64     gateway 2001:***:e3a7::1     dns-nameservers 2001:***:8:c23::108 

this worked fine under 14.04. under 16.04, static gateway nothing. after fresh reboot, following:

default via fe80::226:88ff:fee8:7600 dev eth0 

so @ least know it's seeing ras on segment (all other devices doing straight slaac seem fine). turned off autoconf vi sysctl , explicitly turned on accept_ra. somehow, 30 seconds after boot, turns off:

net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra = 0 

i love know why can't put static ipv6 setup in supposed "server" os , (&^ changing sysctl variables after i've booted, making me loose ipv6 routing.



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