lvm - Interpretting systemctl status output - Ask Ubuntu

i'm trying solve lvmetad startup warning lvmetad startup warning, , in process typed following command:

sudo systemctl status lvm2-lvmetad.service 

the output is:

● lvm2-lvmetad.service - lvm2 metadata daemon    loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lvm2-lvmetad.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)    active: active (running) since lun. 2016-10-24 09:02:16 cest; 1h 20min ago      docs: man:lvmetad(8)  main pid: 615 (lvmetad)     tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)    memory: 2.6m       cpu: 4ms    cgroup: /system.slice/lvm2-lvmetad.service            └─615 /sbin/lvmetad -f 

i'm perplexed loaded line: mean loaded disabled (and still active on next line) ?

  • loaded notes whether service file loaded memory. other possible values besides loaded masked or error in case of invalid syntax.
  • disabled , enabled relate whether service set start on boot or not. man systemctl:

enabling hooks unit various suggested places (for example, unit automatically started on boot or when particular kind of hardware plugged in). starting spawns daemon process (in case of service units), or binds socket (in case of socket units), , on.

  • active tells if service running or not. note though service can active not running due remainafterexit= directive. "if set true, service shall considered active when processes exited". directive documented in man systemd.service.


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