apt - How to purge all bluetooth settings - Ask Ubuntu

how uninstall, purge , reset bluetooth settings?

i'm running ubuntu 14, , bluetooth incredibly unreliably. sometimes, bluetooth devices connect fine. don't. connect several times 3 duplicate sound profiles show 1 bluetooth headset.

i tried doing sudo apt-get purge bluetooth* , reinstalling, doesn't seem remove of settings files. how reset bluetooth settings short of reformatting hard drive , reinstalling ubuntu?

there better way digging through file-system. i'll share know. smarter knows better way.

1) check duplicate running processes

if had same process running multiple times, create conflict described , might able stop here.

ps -ax

if know process name, try:

ps -ax | grep <name-here>

2) make sure package uninstalled:

if run command below, you'll see it's not installed or you'll see corresponding files still on system.

dpkg -l <name>

if had few package similar names, following:

dpkg --l | fgrep <name>

once found package was, use first dpkg command find of files associated it.

3) reinstalling , searching

if wanted search through file system directly, might not find results right away. because package might partially uninstalled pieces of left behind, might have know you're looking or re-install , view of directories , files touches. might try reading man pages on find. know it's not hard, it's not straight forward locate.

4) package maintainer

you type following:

apt-cache show <name>

this neat 2 reasons. if there package installed, show package twice. top 1 available , bottom 1 installed version. may find information can lead package maintainer.

i'm hoping 1 of these , running until find nugget or better solution.


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