key binding - Mapping key combinations like Windows + L to @ sign - Ask Ubuntu
there many questions out there none worked or apply situation: switch between mac osx , ubuntu , @, copy & paste key combinations driving me mad. how can map (on ubuntu side) super + c combination copy, super + v combination paste , super + l or alt + l @?
until yet figured out can key codes via xev: l = keycode 46 not work super / windows key.
sorry, since im not running (unity) ubuntu dont have full answer.
first idea:
try changing keyboard layout system settings > keyboard. languages have mac version of layout. might have @ key @ suitable place you.
second idea:
try adding new shortcut key combination copy , paste. old 1 still work, less annoying. can maybe find somewhere in system settings > keyboard or input devices.
the super/meta/windows key isnt registered because 1 of modifier keys (just alt , shift) , not handled normal keys in linux.
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