networking - 16.10 broke my Samba - Ask Ubuntu

i upgraded 16.04.1 16.10. think samba broken. i've got 2 machines doing exact same thing.

i've checked /etc/samba/smb.conf , looks of shares 16.04 still there.

testparm seems run fine, give error:

rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) minimum windows limit (16384) warning: "syslog" option deprecated 

smbclient shows me this:

$ smbclient -l //caspurr warning: "syslog" option deprecated enter password:  domain=[workgroup] os=[unix] server=[samba 3.0.37]  sharename       type      comment ---------       ----      ------- ipc$            ipc       ipc service (tomatousb) video           disk      video public          disk      public pictures        disk      pictures music           disk      music domain=[workgroup] os=[unix] server=[samba 3.0.37]  server               comment ---------            ------- caspurr              tomatousb satellite-e55        satellite-e55 server (samba, ubuntu)  workgroup            master ---------            ------- workgroup            caspurr 

smbclient lets me connect public share on router:

$ smbclient //caspurr/public warning: "syslog" option deprecated enter password:  domain=[workgroup] os=[unix] server=[samba 3.0.37] smb: \> dir .                                   d        0  sat jul 11 20:19:54 2015 ..                                  d        0  sat jul 11 13:23:13 2015 9-great-freeware-programs.pdf         754624  thu jan  6 17:08:53 2011      124665852 blocks of size 1024. 121369992 blocks available smb: \> exit 

in nautilus see windows network, not:

enter image description here

if do see windows network, , click on it, this, forever:

enter image description here

what's wrong samba?

lastly, of above done firewall turned off. if turn firewall on, results worse. can tell me ports need open?

i had edit /etc/samba/smb.conf , add wins server address of router...

# wins server - tells nmbd components of samba wins client # note: samba can either wins server, or wins client, not both ;   wins server = w.x.y.z     wins server = 


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