printing - Printer service not found on port 515 - Ask Ubuntu

for services list on ubuntu, printer service not found on port 515.

nmap -st -o localhost  port     state service 23/tcp   open  telnet 139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn 445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds 631/tcp  open  ipp 9050/tcp open  tor-socks device type: general purpose running: linux 3.x os cpe: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 os details: linux 3.12 - 3.19, linux 3.8 - 3.19 

enter image description here

there no printer service on port 515. how add printer service on port 515?

nmap -v -p 515  starting nmap 7.01 ( ) @ 2016-11-19 13:03 irst initiating syn stealth scan @ 13:03 scanning localhost ( [1 port] completed syn stealth scan @ 13:03, 0.21s elapsed (1 total ports) nmap scan report localhost ( host (0.000065s latency). port    state  service 515/tcp closed printer 

port 515/tcp line printer spooler port. run print spooler listen port 515, but....

the modern, ubuntu way use cups (common unix printing system), listens internet printing protocol on port 631/tcp. read man cups. administer cups browser pointer http://localhost:631

and, easier way see what's listening (or not) port lsof (and more information):

$ sudo lsof -i tcp:515 -i tcp:631 [sudo] password w3:  command   pid user   fd   type  device size/off node name cupsd   17693 root   10u  ipv4 4833522      0t0  tcp *:ipp (listen) cupsd   17693 root   11u  ipv6 4833523      0t0  tcp *:ipp (listen) 


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