ubuntu-sdk has lots of errors to start! - Ask Ubuntu

i have installed ubuntu-sdk in x86_64, ubuntu 14.04 lts, trusty. when execute ubuntu-sdk, there error: "the current user can not access lxd server required ubuntu sdk. make sure used part of lxd group , restart ide"

am@am:~$ whoami am@am:~$ cat /etc/group lxd:x:128:am autopilot:x:129:am

meanwhile did not initialize lxd. not understand, lxd? am@am:~$ sudo lxd init error: unable talk lxd: http://unix.socket/1.0: dial unix /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket: connect: no such file or directory

what zfs?

i want develop application nexus 5, how can ubuntu-sdk? ubuntu-sdk installed hardware? can used nexus 5?

sorry ask several questions related each other.....i appreciated answer in advance

ubuntu-sdk not meant developing android apps. need android-sdk developing android apps nexus.

see link installing: complete installation guide android sdk / adt bundle on ubuntu

lxd system-wide container daemon allowing user run containers allows interaction lxc software.

zfs stands z file system. allows support scaling , redundant storage.

as fix first issue, see this: unable run ubuntu sdk cannot access lxd server


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