updates - Updated to Ubuntu 16.10 but it seems that I have 17.04 installed! - Ask Ubuntu
i updated ubuntu 16.10 16.04 2-3 weeks ago , didn't have issues. after daily updates startup errors trying send 17.04 zesty... checked software & updates , saw "pre-release updates" unset. lsb_release , hostnamectl , os-release shows i'm in 17.04 development branch! how can fix this? or if i'm in development branch how can switch 16.10... machine super unstable , every time boot many errors.
some outputs:
cat /etc/os-release name="ubuntu" version="17.04 (zesty zapus)" id=ubuntu id_like=debian pretty_name="ubuntu zesty zapus (development branch)" version_id="17.04" home_url="http://www.ubuntu.com/" support_url="http://help.ubuntu.com/" bug_report_url="http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" privacy_policy_url="http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" version_codename=zesty ubuntu_codename=zesty
static hostname: hp-pavilion-g6-notebook-pc pretty hostname: hp-pavilion-g6-notebook-pc icon name: computer-laptop chassis: laptop machine id: - boot id: - operating system: ubuntu zesty zapus (development branch) kernel: linux 4.8.0-26-generic architecture: x86-64
really not point in trying fix on future realese (unless want in on dev action , submit fix daily build).
gotta live cd + usb drive backup home folder install more stable. ran same bug you, using prerelease iso day or 2 before went live. been ok until today.
was 16.10 iso downloaded pre realese one? because bug shouldn't happen on full realese that
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