Emacs C IDE / Gnu Global helm-gtags - Ask Ubuntu
hello ubuntu community, so first of i'd quite new ubuntu (16.10) , linux. decided use windows little possible , wanted start learning programming language c. however, thought nice in emacs started learning emacs , did tutorials on emacs. basics , learning doing. found tutorial https://tuhdo.github.io/c-ide.html before installed lot of packages including helm , gtags , helm-gtags. installed ncurses libary in order install gnu global. so problem / question. first of if honest don't gtags is, thought gonna figure out when install (something navigation guess). under section 'source code navigation' talks about: "before using ggtags or helm-gtags, remember create gtags database running gtags @ project root in terminal: ".. , commands i think somehow have connect libary emacs. gnu_global faq written create link project folder reffering to: /usr/src/lib but in /usr/src directory no lib folder. guess , because ubuntu has different structures other lin...