command line - getting the desirable output with gawk/awk - Ask Ubuntu
i run following command: aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "name=ip-address,values=my_ip" | grep instanceid and get: "instanceid": "i-b0f13081", how can following: i-b0f13081 this tried: aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "name=ip-address,values=my_ip" | grep instanceid | gawk -f: '{ print $2 }' "i-b0f13081", awk : set " field delimiter, , 4th field: % awk -f'"' '{print $4}' <<<'"instanceid": "i-b0f13081",' i-b0f13081 similarly cut : % cut -d'"' -f4 <<<'"instanceid": "i-b0f13081",' i-b0f13081 grep pcre ( -p ): % grep -po ':\s*"\k[^"]+' <<<'"instanceid": "i-b0f13081",' i-b0f13081 shell parameter expansion: % var='"instanceid": "i-b0f13081",' % var="${var%\"*}" % ...