16.04 - MATLAB: Multiple Instances Install questions - Ask Ubuntu
r2016a on 16.04: need r2016b improvements in 1 of toolboxes. nice have both. questions: can 2016a , 2016b co-exist? what problems created when 2 co-exist on same box \ pc? is install procedure installing second instance different virgin install? i forward hearing have experience installing 2 instances on ubuntu. if have experience please state in response. lessons-learned \ pitfalls avoid appreciated. thank you i have both matlab r2016a , r2016b installed, have experience can share. yes, both versions can coexist. because installed default /usr/local/matlab/r2016a , /usr/local/matlab/r2016b respectively , therefore don't interfere each other. no substantial problems created when have both versions. problem can foresee matlab symlink created in /usr/local/bin if select option mentioned in https://www.mathworks.com/help/install/ug/install-mathworks-software.html#bsnin8x-4 . symlink link version of matlab last installed, r2016b. means order of instal...